Following their years here, many of our trainees go on to successful careers in clinical urology, research, and public policy and leadership. Former residents and fellows can use the resources here to keep in touch—with each other and with Duke Urology.
The Duke Youthful Society of Urology Residents Interested in Advancement (DYSURIA) was established in 1966 by Dr. James F. Glenn, former Chief of Urology. All residents and fellows graduating from the program are inducted in the organization.
The DYSURIA society was formed as an organization promoting scientific advancement in the field of urologic surgery, to support the urologic training program of Duke University Medical Center, and to maintain professional and personal ties among those who have been affiliated with the program.
Several DYSURIA events are planned each year to provide members an opportunity to reconnect with one another and with Duke Urology.
One of the highlights of the year is the gathering of Duke Urology alumni at the annual AUA meeting. The diverse crowd spans the range from current residents presenting at their first AUA meeting to emeritus faculty members. Many international countries are represented each year as well as many US states. Some are in private practice in small cities, many have academic appointments at some of the leading centers in the U.S. and some are department chairs. We hope to see you in New Orleans in May for the next DYSURIA cocktail reception.
For more information, please call 919-684-6106 or email
E. Everett Anderson, MD, Education Fund Established December, 2013

We are proud to maintain the E. Everett Anderson Education Fund, a very successful fundraising initiative to honor the educational legacy cultivated by Dr. Anderson in his more than 48 years of dedicated service to Duke University. This fund supports the educational needs of the urology residency program and fellowships.
“Everett has been an integral fixture in Duke Urology for over 40 years and he continues to educate our medical students, residents and fellows. Everett has forgotten more in Urology than I will ever know,” Glenn Preminger MD
Edward Everett Anderson was born in Durham, North Carolina on May 10, 1932. He was educated at Phillips Academy, entered Duke and received his BS in 1954 and MD in 1958. He trained at Duke, Yale, the Washington School of Medicine in Seattle and the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston. He joined the Urology staff at Duke University Medical Center in 1965, became Assistant Professor in 1966, Associate Professor in 1969 and Professor in 1972. He has had active reserve duty entering as Captain in 1961 and exiting as Lieutenant Colonel in 1971.
After his retirement in 2002, Dr. Anderson assumed the role of resident mentor at the Durham VA Hospital where he continues to teach and advise residents two days a week. To those of us at Duke, Everett is best known for his teaching and patient care skills, as well as his wonderful sense of humor.
“The pressures of modern healthcare economics on educational funding, has made it challenging for academic programs to continue to find the financial resources to enrich the resident educational experience. This fund offsets those for our programs and allows us to fully support all of our trainees in any endeavor they choose!” — Andrew Peterson MD MPH, Program Director, Duke Urology Residency Program.
The E. Everett Anderson Education Fund is funded by generous grants and annual gift giving campaigns that our alumni actively support.