Welcome from Duke Urology Residency Program Director

Welcomeon behalf of the Duke Department of Urology! The decision on where to train in urologic surgery represents the most important decision of your career. Formal clinical training as well as research into basic or translational medicine will ensure success in obtaining competitive fellowships, academic positions, or community practice positions, and set you up for a fruitful career.

The goal of the Urology Residency Program at Duke is to provide a balance between patient care, teaching, and research in the areas of oncology, male infertility and sexual dysfunction, urolithiasis, reconstructive urology, female urology and urodynamics, pediatric urology, and minimally invasive surgery.

The clinical program in urology is dedicated to providing comprehensive training in patient care and operative surgery. These experiences are offered within diverse clinical settings including operative experiences at Duke University Hospital, Duke Raleigh Hospital and the Asheville and Durham Veteran’s Administration Hospitals.

The cornerstone of the Urology Residency Program at Duke is the one-year dedicated research year; the “Surgeon-Scientist Research Fellowship.” During this year, urology residents begin a dedicated investigative experience designed to give each an opportunity to develop granular expertise in an area of their choosing. These can include basic or translational science projects, experiences in health services or clinical outcomes research, or indeed any thoughtfully conceived knowledge creation endeavor. Innumerable basic science opportunities exist not only in the Department of Urology, but across both the graduate and undergraduate campuses. The goal of this research experience is not only to create thought leaders in academic urology at both an institutional and national level, but to provide each Duke resident with a concentrated expertise in their chosen field — whether that be in community or academic practice.

You should consider a number of factors when choosing a residency program and clearly one of the most important is the track record of the recent graduates. Our training program is intentionally broad-based and has produced graduates with a wide variety of clinical and research interests. We are proud of our program and achievements, and we are honored and thank you for visiting our website

Sincerely yours,

Jodi Antonelli, MD
Associate Professor of Urology
Program Director, Urology Residency