Drs. Alireza Ghoreifi and Michael Abern received the AUA Urology Care Foundation Research Scholar Awards for 2024.
AUA Southeastern Section Award: Alireza Ghoreifi, MD, will receive support for a one-year research project titled “Urine-based methylation markers in the diagnosis and surveillance of upper tract urothelial carcinoma” at Duke University School of Medicine, under the mentorship of Michael Abern, MD.

Judd Moul, MD, was awarded the Martin Dresner Alumni from Jefferson Urology.
Pictured: Mrs. Ellen Moul, Dr. Susan Aldridge, President of Thomas University, Dr. Judd Moul and Dr. Leonard Gomella, Chair of Urology.

Reconstructive Urology Fellow Kiran Sury, MD, won first place in the Montague Boyd Essay Contest at the Southeastern Section of the Americal Urological Association annual meeting in Austin TX for his paper "Material Fatigue in the Artificial Urinary Sphincter Pressure Regulating Ballon." His mentor is Drew Peterson, MD, MPH. He also won Honorable Mention in the 2024 AUA Residents and Fellows Committee Essay Contest for his paper "The Kids are Alright: The Evolution of Urologic Training."

Samantha Eaker, DNP, was elected President-Elect of the North Carolina chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.